I have to tell you about this book I am just finishing called Dancing in the Streets by Barbara Ehrenreich. It is brand new but you can order it from the library. From a fascinating anthropological standpoint she explains how, starting in the neolithic, people have had circle and line dancing and how important it is to humans–something we have evolved with.
And what happens when people are not allowed to have such gatherings, over our history up to the present day.
I know none of US have to be convinced of any of this, but this book gives a whole slant that is new, and things to say to people who don’t understand what’s so good about participating in gatherings such as ours.
Amazingly, she doesn’t seem to even know about modern Balkan dance culture, or a few other things, but that just makes reading it all the more magical and resonant.
Singing and dancing to save the world,
Rebecca Dwan