Become a Donor and Join the Folk/Roots Revolution

We want to thank all of you in the community who have made FolkWorks possible. Please support our new adventure by becoming a FolkWorks donor. You can become a sustaining donor or a one time donor.

Folk/Roots music is music of the people…

It is Cajun, Irish, Balkan, Turkish, African, American… It is of the street (or bayou or holler or tundra) and it is alive and thriving. From festivals to concert halls, from pubs to living rooms… it is old and new, LIVE or VIRTUAL performed by those inspired to pick up a banjo, a fiddle, an accordion…from heels a’ kickin’ to couples swirlin’…it represents a vibrant alternative to ‘popular’ culture. FolkWorks is committed to keeping these art forms alive and well.

We are a donor-supported, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the myriad folkways that can be found in all corners of the world.

Whether it’s celebrating an age-old melody from a forgotten era or embracing the newest virtuosic talent bending the tradition for a new audience, we hope you will join us on a discovery of both the familiar and the fresh. The journey simply would not be as exciting without you!

Become a FolkWorks Donor – it’s tax deductible!

FolkWorks is a 501(c)(3) organization that is supported by our donors and researched, relevant advertisers. We treasure our writers and editors, all of whom are volunteers, and hope you like what you find in these pages.

To support FolkWorks, become a donor with a tax deductible donation or place an ad.

All donors are displayed annually on the Donor Appreciation Wall below.

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Donation Total: $10.00 One Time


We want to thank all of you in the community who have made FolkWorks possible.

2021 Donor Wall of Appreciation

Ross Altman
Harriet / Fred Aronow
Aubyn / Doug Biery
Renee Bodie
Ned Boyer
Dale Briedenthal
Rolly Brown
Barbara / Andy Cameron
Charlotte Cantrell
Jeanne Cate
Tom / Cass Cheyney
Ron Coke
Kristi Cottrell
Wendy Cutler
Andy Denes
Jan Durham
Bonita Edelberg
Nina Edelstein
Joyce Epstein
Nancy Felixson
David Fertig
Van Fleisher
John Freeman

Isabel / Jack Freeman
Kirk Gardner
Barbara / Kurt Gary
Donald Gatewood
Susie Glaze
Robyn Golden
Sandy Goldfarb
Rona Golfen
Marilyn Goodman / Jay Smith
Roger Goodman / Monika White
Jane Gorbaty
Charlotte Gould
Paul Greene
Jim Hamilton
Aleta Hancock
Rita / Michael Hand
Georgiana Hennessey
Frank Hoppe
Trudy / Peter Israel
Loren Kalmen
Dodi / Marty Kennerly
Kristi Kiger Upman
Linda Kodaira
Venida Korda

Dave Leddel
Linda Levinson
Steve Litvack
Susan Locke
Chris Loken
Judi Luneek
Aedan MacDonnell
Jerry Manpearl
David Matsu
John McClure
John McKenna
Nan McKinley
Art Meyers
Jay / Jill Michtom
Ron Milberger
Karen / David Minnicks
Vic Mlotol / Anne Warner
JT Mooring
Jackie Morris
Virginia Morris
Lena Newman
Tracy Newman
Stevie Nolan
Paul Nolan

Greg / Tori Notz
Cathy Parsa
Chris Peoples
Theodore Peters
Lenny Potash
Frank Prevas
Jon Rand
Hank Rodgers
Milt / Stefani Rosenberg
Larry Rosenberg
Ruth Rosenblatt
Steve Rosenwasser / Kelli Sager
Jack Rothman
Karen Rowinsky
Renee Safier
Santa Monica Traditional Folk Music Club
Bob Satuloff
Gaili Schoen
Yatrika Shah-Rais
Leda / Steve Shapiro
Marian Shapiro
Heidi Shuler
Miriam Sidanius

Gayle Smashey
Ezekiel Smukler
Rena Sonshine
Sylvia Soos
Debbie Spiegelman
Ruth Stewart
Alan Stone
Rowan Storm
Elizabeth Sturgen
Tim Taylor
Robert Templeton
Robin Van Zak
Ellen Verdies
Chris Votek
Joe Wack
April Wayland
Guy Webster
Howard Weinberg
Kenny White
Chris Wlson / Pam Marshall
Jacquie Wohl
Mark Wrinitsky
Kenneth Yapkowitz
Edward Young

2020 Donor Wall of Appreciation

Mary Katherine Aldin
Martine Albelli
Ruth Alpert
Ross Altman (in honor of Linda Huf)
Harriet & Fred Aronow
Nathan Aronow
Andrew Behla / Michèle Krolik
Dan Blanchard
Renee Bodie
Janet Bonjovio
Ned Boyer
Dale & David Breidenthal
Shelley Brown
Valerie Brown / Jerry Grabel
Christa Burch
Adrienne Burke
Barbara & Andy Cameron
Charlotte Cantrell
Caroline Carroll
Jeanne Cate
Joanna Cazden
Tom & Cass Cheyney
David Chornow
Sherry Cochran
Don Cohen
Eddie Collins
Padraic Conroy
Kristi Cottrell
Wendy Cutler
Harvey Deneroff
Andy Denes
Shannon Dery
Linda Dewar

Prince Diabate
Robert Dixon
Elise Dorne
Eileen Duncan
Bonita Edelberg
Kathleen Elbasani
Nancy Felixson
Joy Felt
Jackie Fickel
Peter Figen
Jeffrey Fiskin
John & Isabel Freeman
Michael Frey
Vince Fry
Marge Gajicki
Kurt & Barbara Gary
Sharon Gates
Richard Gee
Paulette Gershen
Elizabeth Goetz
Miriam Goldberg
Audrey Goodman
Marilyn Goodman
Don Grundy / Terence Gucwa
Natalie Hall
Darlene Hamilton
Jim Hamilton
Aleta Hancock
Rita & Michael Hand
James Hascall
Chancy Heisty
Ken Helms / Amy Masumiya

Georgiana Hennessy
LeeAnn Heringer
Linda Higginbotham / Brad Leftwich
Martine Hittleman
Sandee Holland
Diane Hubka
Norman Igor
Trudy & Peter Israel
Nina Jackson
David & Julie James
Margie Katz
Debbie Kellaway
Larry Kemp
Dodi & Marty Kennerly
Mamak Khadem
Scott Killops
Karl Wm. Klein
Deborah Koken
Verda Korda
Noel Kropf
Stephen Kuerschner
Steve Lampert
Willie Lapin
Diane Laskin
Sandy Lessner
Nina Levin
Janet Lumsden
Aedan MacDonnell
Lisa Maloney
Sheila Mann
Roger Manning
Jan & Jerry Manpearl

Steven Marchand
Tim Martin
Liz Marx
Pat McCauley
William McGill
John McKenna
Michael McKenna / Debbie Webb
Jay & Jill Michtom
Gitta Morris
Brian Moss
David Naiditch
Soraya Newell
Jessica Ng
Tracy Newman
Gregory & Tori Notz
Oliver Consulting
Sue Parker
Cathy Parsa
Chris Peoples
Art Podell / Judy Montgomery
Elizabeth Richards
Cyndy Richardson
Lisa Richardson
Hank Rodgers / Annie King
Larry & Susan Rosenberg
Milt & Stefani Rosenberg
Aviva Rosenbum
Steve Rosenwasswer / Kelli Sager
Santa Monica Traditional Folk Music Club
Karen Schuss Rowinsky
Yatrika Shah-Rais
Steve & Leda Shapiro

Diane Sherman
Miriam Sidanius
Leslie Sokolow
Rena Sonshine
Debbie Spiegelman
Ruth Stewart
Paul Tauger
Tim Taylor
Robert Templeton
Chris Teuber
Anthony Thomas
Larry & Lise Ullman
Robin Van Zak
Susan Velasco
Janice Volkoff
Wendy Waldman
April Wayland
Barbara Weismann / Don Green
Ken White
Monika White / Roger Goodman
Joselyn Wilkinson
Carty & Renata Wilson
Chris Wilson
Barbara Wool
Tracy Woodbury
Maria Wortham
Leslie Yeseta
Bob Zaugh