Anna Massie “Two Down” Album Review
Anna Massie’s “Two Down” -- 5/6
Anna Massie’s Two Down is the definition of a hidden gem. Massie finds a way to both stay faithful to the traditions of folk but also add innovative and surprisingly effective twists like vocally imitating a trumpet on multiple songs. At its best, “Two Down” finds a way to keep the folk genre fresh. Nonetheless, Massie does occasionally fall prey to the common folk genre obstacles of being slightly longwinded and underenergetic.
In an album with multiple standouts, perhaps the strongest track is Anything From You. There are hints of Joni Mitchell’s “Carey,” with the energetic yet steady guitar holding up a warm set of harmonies and vocal trumpet imitations. The atmosphere created is so pretty that it takes a few listens to realize how outstanding the melody and lyrics themselves are.
Lyrics are at the heart of the album, and Massie’s sincerity and self awareness are constantly on display. The innocence of Massie’s voice contrasts very well with the seriousness of certain lyrics, singing “I was born to love and lose, and I’ve surely paid my dues; and I’ve earned this pessimistic point of view.” It’s possible that the unique but effective combination is a result of JP Cormier’s contributions as a lyricist. Whatever the division of labor was behind the scenes, the result are great lyrical gems like My Life Is Over Again.
Overall, the album is a standout. The only setback of the album might be the lack of a drum or bass to make the listening relatively more accessible. The vast majority of the album is performed with only one guitar. It’s a bit of a shame for a technical reason to stand in the way of what otherwise would be a standout album of the year.
Released March 1, 2024
Two Down can be purchased here.
Anna Massie “Two Down” Album Review
Anna Massie’s “Two Down” -- 5/6